les, [ $this, 'update_hierarchy_and_permalink' ] ); if ( $indexable->object_type === 'term' ) { $child_indexables_for_term = $this->get_children_for_term( $indexable->object_id, $child_indexables ); \array_walk( $child_indexables_for_term, [ $this, 'update_hierarchy_and_permalink' ] ); } return true; } /** * Finds all child indexables for the given term. * * @param int $term_id Term to fetch the indexable for. * @param array $child_indexables The already known child indexables. * * @return array The list of additional child indexables for a given term. */ public function get_children_for_term( $term_id, array $child_indexables ) { // Finds object_ids (posts) for the term. $post_object_ids = $this->get_object_ids_for_term( $term_id, $child_indexables ); // Removes the objects that are already present in the children. $existing_post_indexables = \array_filter( $child_indexables, static function ( $indexable ) { return $indexable->object_type === 'post'; } ); $existing_post_object_ids = \wp_list_pluck( $existing_post_indexables, 'object_id' ); $post_object_ids = \array_diff( $post_object_ids, $existing_post_object_ids ); // Finds the indexables for the fetched post_object_ids. $post_indexables = $this->indexable_repository->find_by_multiple_ids_and_type( $post_object_ids, 'post', false ); // Finds the indexables for the posts that are attached to the term. $post_indexable_ids = \wp_list_pluck( $post_indexables, 'id' ); $additional_indexable_ids = $this->indexable_hierarchy_repository->find_children_by_ancestor_ids( $post_indexable_ids ); // Makes sure we only have indexable id's that we haven't fetched before. $additional_indexable_ids = \array_diff( $additional_indexable_ids, $post_indexable_ids ); // Finds the additional indexables. $additional_indexables = $this->indexable_repository->find_by_ids( $additional_indexable_ids ); // Merges all fetched indexables. return \array_merge( $post_indexables, $additional_indexables ); } /** * Updates the indexable hierarchy and indexable permalink. * * @param Indexable $indexable The indexable to update the hierarchy and permalink for. * * @return void */ protected function update_hierarchy_and_permalink( $indexable ) { if ( \is_a( $indexable, Indexable::class ) ) { $this->indexable_hierarchy_builder->build( $indexable ); $indexable->permalink = $this->permalink_helper->get_permalink_for_indexable( $indexable ); $this->indexable_helper->save_indexable( $indexable ); } } /** * Retrieves the object id's for a term based on the term-post relationship. * * @param int $term_id The term to get the object id's for. * @param array $child_indexables The child indexables. * * @return array List with object ids for the term. */ protected function get_object_ids_for_term( $term_id, $child_indexables ) { global $wpdb; $filter_terms = static function ( $child ) { return $child->object_type === 'term'; }; $child_terms = \array_filter( $child_indexables, $filter_terms ); $child_object_ids = \array_merge( [ $term_id ], \wp_list_pluck( $child_terms, 'object_id' ) ); // Get the term-taxonomy id's for the term and its children. // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery,WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching $term_taxonomy_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM %i WHERE term_id IN( ' . \implode( ', ', \array_fill( 0, ( \count( $child_object_ids ) ), '%s' ) ) . ' )', $wpdb->term_taxonomy, ...$child_object_ids ) ); // In the case of faulty data having been saved the above query can return 0 results. if ( empty( $term_taxonomy_ids ) ) { return []; } // Get the (post) object id's that are attached to the term. // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery,WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching return $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT DISTINCT object_id FROM %i WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN( ' . \implode( ', ', \array_fill( 0, \count( $term_taxonomy_ids ), '%s' ) ) . ' )', $wpdb->term_relationships, ...$term_taxonomy_ids ) ); } } In gesprek met: Edwin Claassen - VVD | GL8 Media
In gesprek met: Edwin Claassen – VVD

In gesprek met: Edwin Claassen – VVD

19 februari 2022 | GL8 Media

GL8 in gesprek met de lijsttrekkers van de politieke partijen voor de gemeente Mook en Middelaar, en de gemeente Heumen in het kader van de komende gemeenteraadsverkiezingen. Waar staan ze voor, wat vinden ze belangrijk.

Op 19 februari gingen we van start met o.a. Edwin Claassen van VVD uit Heumen.

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19 februari 2022 | GL8 Media
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